So I realize that it has been forever since I updated this blog, life has been so crazy. So today I am at work and my brain has officially checked out for Christmas Break. My students are working on projects and watching a movie and I could grade, or plan lessons or clean... but I am done! So I thought I would post and literally can not think on anything to post. I just keep thinking, nothing's changed, nothing is new and then I remembered, I am pregnant! I guess you could call that significant (ha ha). I guess that when you hit child number four, the novelty of a pregnancy is pretty much lost!! Anyway, we are going to have (boy, I am sure) number four on June 21st and we are really excited. I have been doing pretty good despite the fact that I am seriously more tired than I have ever been in my whole life, and occasionally nauseous. I have also found my cravings are different than before, I have eaten my body weight in oranges and orange juice! Weird, because I am usually the heartburn queen and OJ would have torn me up from the inside out with previous pregnancies!
Besides that we had a great thanksgiving and are looking forward to a fabulous Christmas break. I hope all is well with all our friends and family! Have a great Christmas.